Financial support for parents

If you’re expecting a baby or your family is growing, we can help you find out what financial support and protection is available.

You can find information on:

  • Government and NHS support
  • Childcare options
  • Pay and leave from work
  • Your employment rights.

Maternity and paternity support

Time off for antenatal care

If you’re in employment, you’re entitled to paid time off for antenatal care. This applies no matter how long you’ve been at your job and is on top of your annual leave.

Learn more about paid time off for antenatal care on the Government website.

Pregnant employee rights

Maternity leave

You’re entitled to a year off work. You don’t have to take the full year, but you do need to take at least two weeks off after the birth of your baby.

Discover more about maternity leave and what you’re eligible for on the Government website. 

Maternity leave eligibility

Statutory Maternity Pay

You could be eligible for the legal minimum of 39 weeks’ Statutory Maternity Pay if you take maternity leave.

Find out if you’re eligible on the Government website.

Statutory Maternity Pay

Maternity Allowance

If you’re not eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay, you can apply for Maternity Allowance. The amount you could receive depends on your earnings and the amount of National Insurance you’ve paid.

Get more information on eligibility and how to apply on the Government website.

Maternity Allowance

Shared parental leave

Two parents may be able to share 50 weeks of leave and 37 weeks of pay with shared parental leave.

You can find more information in the Acas guide to shared parental leave and pay.

How shared parental leave works


Statutory Adoption Pay and Leave

If you’re adopting, you could be entitled to Statutory Adoption Pay and Leave. Learn more about Statutory Adoption Pay rules on the MoneyHelper website.

Find out more about adoption leave and pay

Paternity pay and leave

You could be entitled to one or two weeks of paternity leave and pay if:

  • your partner gives birth
  • you adopt a child
  • you have a baby through surrogacy.

Find out more about your employee paternity rights and what you could be eligible for on the Government website.

Paternity pay and leave

Good to know

The Equality Act 2010 protects pregnant employees from being discriminated against at work. Discover more about your employment rights on the Acas website.

Financial support for you

Best Start Grant

Best Start Grant provides eligible parents and carers financial support for the first few years of a child’s life. The grant offers three possible payments.

Pregnancy and Baby Payment

  • Eligible families could receive a sum of money when their first child is born.
  • A smaller payment will be received on the birth of any subsequent children.

Early Learning Payment

  • Offers help with the costs of early learning when a child is between two and three-and-a-half years old.

School Age Payment

  • Supports with the costs of preparing for school.


Learn more about the Best Start Grant

Scottish Child Payment

This financial support is to help towards the costs of supporting your family. If you’re eligible, you could get a weekly payment for each of your children under 16 that you look after. The payment is paid every four weeks.

Understand how it works


Universal Credit

You may be entitled to Universal Credit if you’re on a very low income. Or, if you aren’t eligible for Maternity Allowance or Statutory Maternity Pay.

Find out if you're eligible

Healthcare support

Best Start Foods

You could qualify for payments to help you buy healthy foods during pregnancy and until your child is three years old. Payments are made every four weeks to a pre-paid card you can use online and in shops.

The payments are:

  • During pregnancy
  • From the birth of each child until their first birthday
  • For each child between ages one and three.
How Best Start Foods works

Free NHS dental care

You’re entitled to free NHS dental care while you’re pregnant and until your baby is one year old. You’ll need your Maternity Exemption Certificate from your midwife to claim.

You can find more information on the MoneyHelper website.

Dental care in pregnancy

Childcare support options

Tax-Free Childcare

This scheme provides eligible parents with financial support to help cover childcare costs. You might be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) if you’re in employment, including self-employment. But you can’t use TFC at the same time as childcare vouchers, Universal Credit or tax credits.

There is a lot more information on TFC on GOV.UK.

Check your eligibility

Funded early learning and childcare

The Scottish Government offers funded early learning and childcare (ELC), if you’re eligible and have a child aged two to five.

Eligible children might be entitled to 1,140 hours of free ELC per year. This is around 30 hours a week if used only during school term time.

ELC eligibility

Extra support

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Family finances

Helping you to support your children to grow money confident.

Family finances

Family finances

Helping you to support your children to grow money confident.

Family finances