Freeze your card or transactions

You can do this in our app

  • Freeze specific transactions such as gambling or online and remote purchases. Useful if you’re struggling with a spending habit.
  • You can freeze your card if you can’t find it.
  • You can also freeze your credit or debit card for transactions abroad, contactless and in-person payments. And ATM withdrawals on your credit card.

If your card is lost or stolen report it now.

Gambling help

Freeze credit or debit card payments to gambling retailers using our app.

Take a look at our support page for more help with gambling.

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How to do it

How to do it

We'll take it step by step.

  1. Log in to our app and choose Cards on the bottom right of the app.
  2. Choose Card freezes and limits. Scroll to the card you want and toggle on or off for the different freeze options.
  3. That’s it - the changes take effect immediately. You can then log back into the app at any time to update.

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A look at the details

  • This stops payments outside the UK in person and at Cashpoint machines

    It does not stop:

    • Transactions where retailers don’t ask for bank authorisation e.g. payments on TFL or on planes

    Please note: Card freezes depend on how and when payments are processed. Some payments are processed instantly and others, like some public transport services or online retailers, are processed later. If you turn on your Card freeze before the payment is processed, the transaction may be stopped.

  • This stops transactions where your card isn’t there when you pay. For example, online, in-app, phone and mail order payments. It includes digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.

    It does not stop:

    • Direct Debits (debit card only)
    • Anything the retailer considers to be a recurring transaction
    • Transactions where retailers don’t ask for bank authorisation e.g. payments on TFL or on planes

    Please note: Card freezes depend on how and when payments are processed. Some payments are processed instantly and others, like some public transport services or online retailers, are processed later. If you turn on your Card freeze before the payment is processed, the transaction may be stopped.

  • This stops transactions where you use your card to make a payment in person, including digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.

    It does not stop:

    • Cashpoint withdrawals
    • Transactions where retailers don’t ask for bank authorisation e.g. payments on TFL or on planes

    Please note: Card freezes depend on how and when payments are processed. Some payments are processed instantly and others, like some public transport services or online retailers, are processed later. If you turn on your Card freeze before the payment is processed, the transaction may be stopped.

  • The full freeze instantly blocks transactions on your card, including:

    • online and in-person payments made with your card
    • online and contactless payments using Apple Pay or Google Pay
    • payments over the phone
    • mail order payments
    • cash machine withdrawals (credit card only).

    It still allows:

    • balance transfers and money transfers
    • payments into your account, such as refunds
    • recurring payments, such as Direct Debits or subscriptions.
  • The cash machine freeze (credit card only) instantly blocks your card being used to withdraw money from any Cashpoint. Your card can still be used for other Cashpoint services, such as checking your balance.

  • This instantly blocks contactless payments with your debit or credit card. 

    But please note the following difference:

    • Freezing your debit card also stops contactless payments with Apple Pay and Google Pay.
    • Freezing your credit card doesn’t stop contactless payments with Apple Pay and Google Pay.

    It does not stop:

    • Transactions where retailers don’t ask for bank authorisation e.g. payments on TFL or on planes. 
      Please note: Card freezes depend on how and when payments are processed. Some payments are processed instantly and others, like some public transport services or online merchants, are processed later. If you turn on your Card Freeze before the payment is processed, the transaction may be stopped.

    We also rely on transactions being categorised correctly. In the rare case that this doesn’t happen, we can’t always stop the transaction through Card freezes.

    If you don't recognise a transaction, there's no need to worry. Have a look at our online guide to see what steps you should take.

    • 1.

      What’s the difference between the full freeze and other card freezes?

      The full freeze is a quick way to apply all available freezes to your card. You can select other card freezes if you do not want to fully freeze your card, but do want to stop individual payment types.

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    • 2.

      What’s the difference between card freezes and reporting my card lost or stolen?

      Card freezes are restrictions you can apply yourself to your debit and credit cards. You can update your freezes in the Mobile Banking app at any time. When you report your card as lost or stolen, we’ll cancel it and order you a new one.

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    • 3.

      Why was a transaction approved while I had Card Freezes on?

      Card freezes don’t stop all transactions. Each freeze has some exceptions. Read more details on the Card freeze you’re looking for in the FAQs above.

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    • 4.

      I bought something online with my Card Freezes off, but it was still stopped. Why?

      Card freezes depend on how and when payments are processed. Some payments are processed instantly and others, like some public transport services or online merchants, are processed later. If you buy something online with the ‘online and remote’ freeze off but turn it back on before the payment is processed, it may still be stopped.

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    • 5.

      Do Card Freezes stay in place when I get a new card?

      All settings will be copied over to new cards unless your old card has been reported as lost or stolen. If this happens, you will need to reapply your freezes to your new card.

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    • 6.

      Why can I see two versions of my debit card in Card Freezes?

      If your card is about to expire or get replaced, we will show both the old and new cards for a while – even if you haven’t got the new card yet. Once the old card expires or stops working, you won’t see it in Card freezes anymore.

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    • 7.

      Why can’t I see cash cards in Card Freezes?

      Currently, Card Freezes only work with debit and credit cards.

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    • 8.

      What happens if my card is used with a card freeze on?

      If we stop a transaction because of a freeze, we’ll send a text to the UK mobile number we hold on record for you. This will tell you the details of the transaction.

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    • 9.

      Can I access Card Freezes outside of the mobile app?

      Currently, you can only use Card Freezes on our Mobile Banking app.

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    • 10.

      How do I remove Card Freezes if I don’t have my phone or app?

      If you need to turn off Card Freezes but can’t access the Mobile Banking app, we can help. Ask us in-branch or over the phone.

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    • 11.

      How do Card Freezes work if I have a joint current account?

      Each joint account holder has their own debit card, so freezes you use on your card won’t affect theirs.

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    • 12.

      How does it work if I have additional cards on my credit card?

      As the primary cardholder, only you can apply Card Freezes to your primary and additional cards and each card can have different freezes.

      If we stop a transaction because of a freeze, we’ll send you an SMS.

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More help with your card or PIN

Manage how your cards are used, report your card lost or stolen or view your PIN online.

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