Pay in a cheque

You can do this in our app

  • Pay in cheques of up to £10,000 each, or a total of £10,000 a day.
  • Our Mobile Banking app takes a photo of the cheque and reads the details.
  • It saves you a trip to the branch and the money is usually available the next working day.

There are some types of cheque that you can't pay in with the app. The app will let you know if this happens.

Mobile device taking a photo of a cheque.
How to do it

How to do it

We'll take it step by step.

  1. Log in, choose the account and then select the three-dot menu. Then choose Deposit cheque.
  2. Make sure the cheque is less than 6 months old and the recipient name is right, then enter the amount on the cheque.
  3. If you want to, add a reference to remind you who the money is from or what itā€™s for.
  4. Select Front of cheque. Then, if asked, allow access to your camera.
  5. Lay the cheque on a flat surface with a dark background. Hold the camera level and directly above it. When a green border appears around the cheque, hold still for a moment. The app will then scan the cheque.
  6. Select Back of cheque. Repeat the process, even if itā€™s blank.
  7. Check the details, then confirm the deposit.
  8. Keep hold of the cheque until the money is available. Then you can destroy it

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A look at the details

  • You can check the Deposit History tab at any time to see when your money will be available. Here you can view all cheques you've paid in using the app over the last 99 days.

    The Deposit History tab wonā€™t show any cheques you've paid in at a branch or a CashpointĀ®.

    If you have a joint account, it also won't include any cheques paid in by the other person using another mobile device. You'll see a total of all paid-in cheques in your account details. They're shown as a pending transaction first, until the money is available.

  • If a cheque in Deposit History says 'Rejected', we were unable to process the payment. Don't try to pay it in again in the app. The reason for rejection will display in your Deposit History, and we'll also write to you to confirm this reason.

  • The app needs a good sharp image to 'read' the details. Place the cheque flat and in good light against a plain, darker background. Hold your device in the landscape position, steadily over the cheque without tilting. Hold still for a few seconds while the app takes the image ā€“ and it should now work.

  • No. For security, cheque images aren't stored in the app. They won't appear in your device's photo library or any cloud service connected with it. Cheque images are only stored securely on bank systems. Similarly, you can't upload cheque images from your device's photo library, or use a photocopy of a cheque.

  • In-app cheque deposits aren't available for travellers' cheques, Bank Giro credits, foreign currencies and other types of non-standard cheques.

    You can pay in cheques written in English, Welsh and Gaelic. The recipient name can be in any language as long as it matches the account name.

  • Itā€™s a way to pay in cheques using your mobile or tablet device using our Mobile Banking app. The app uses your device's camera to take a photo of the cheque. Then it ā€˜readsā€™ the details to pay the money into your account.

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More payments help

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